title: string (Country name + Alert title)
text: string, text lengths of 560 characters (if the Breaking flag is set) or 600 characters (aggregated country name + alert title + alert body + advice).
alert_title: string (Alert title only)
body: string (alert text only)
Advice: string (alert advice only)
country: string, uppercase, country iso code 2 letters
is_notice: integer, 1 or 0
risk_level: string: Low, Moderate, Medium, High, Extreme
duration: object with start_date and end_date - UTC timestamps)
category: integer (one of 7 categories) - see additional file, regarding categories
Category_name: string
airports: optional, comma separated list of airport codes (IATA 3 letter codes)
regions: optional, array of regions, each with name and code (29 countries), a dump with a list is available
geo: optional, object with 2 keys: lat and lng
location_explanation: optional, string, name or a description of the lat/lng location
Parent_id: integer (parent alert ID, if this alert is related to another alert)