The Local Risk Level API provides access to local risk levels based on one or multiple geographical locations. This can be a named location or a latitude and longitude combination.

A travel start and end date can also be submitted.

A valid authorization is required in order to make these requests.

Fetch local risk levels

Search for multiple places by sending array of places. 


You can provide several location params to search after.

If a country code is present, it looks up country level.
If you provide a region code, it looks up levels from the advisories and country.
If you provide a city code, it looks up levels from city, advisories and country.
If you provide a lat/lng or address combo it looks up all levels.

start_date: YYYY-MM-DD
end_date: YYYY-MM-DD
place_name: string, location to search
city_code: string, 3 letter IATA code
region_code: string, ISO 3166-2 code (ex: GB-LND)
country_code: string, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code
language: string