✈️ Do you want to empower travellers to book with confidence without leaving your platform? Our Alerts are perfect for providing corporate travellers with information of what is happening at a certain destination in real time. TMCs and Travel Agencies can keep travellers informed about any incidents that might affect the continuity of their trip when they are already at their destination.

What is an Alert?

Alerts are short reports of up to 600 characters that convey real-time situational awareness of incidents and events that have an actual or potential impact on travel itineraries and public safety. Each alert consists of essential intelligence, practical advice and precise geolocation.

When we are able to get advanced warnings, notices are also issued for events happening in the future.

Use cases

🌐 Security Risk Management companies can have access from their GSOC and be aware of risks potentially affecting their customers and assets and provide them with a better service based on accurate data

📍 Our Alerts can also be integrated with traveller tracking solutions to ensure managers are given relevant information about what's happening where their employees are located.

💼 Insurance companies can influence policyholder’s behaviour and reduce claims: as travellers are better informed of what is happening around them, they are more likely to make safer decisions and avoid risks.

Our data can also be integrated as a value-added service by providing pre-travel advice and risk alerts that keep customers updated wherever they are in the world.

🚑 For Assistance companies, being informed about on-the-ground situations is crucial for preparing and planning rescue operations. Our Alerts provide assistance companies with the information they need to monitor areas where crises are developing, so that they can then adjust their offering to that location and their resource planning accordingly.


POST request

A URL endpoint where we will POST the data:


A POST request is sent any time we create a new alert with a distinct alert id. This also includes alerts that are published as an update to a previous incident that has already been reported, which would include ‘ – Update’ in the title and would indicate the id of the parent Alert in the payload.

PUT request

Corrections to existing alerts (fact correction, typo correction) are provided via a PUT request to an endpoint:


Corrections can be made to: text, Risk Level, Category or sub-category, airport codes, or we can do a minor latitude/longitude adjustment. We will not change dates or the impacted country or city, such things are seen as major corrections and would warrant a DELETE and new POST.

DELETE request

Deleting alerts, that were sent in error, is done via a DELETE request to an endpoint:


Please see our Alert FAQ for further information and examples of when we would send a DELETE request.


The data is JSON encoded.


Please respond with status 2xx


For the Alerts API, there is no initial sync or transfer of historical data. New Alerts are pushed in real time, as they get published by our Operations team.

Note: Displaying and distributing the data is the responsibility of the third party.