
This page applies to all our APIs, except Trip Ready and Travel Search

There are 2 options:

Fixed header

All requests made to third party servers will have the same header in the following format:


x-api-key: ‘2345fghgh5vbt45fgfgf’
The name and value can be anything the client needs.

Oauth2 token

Riskline will first make a request to a third party server to fetch a token. That token will be used for all requests until the token expires, at which moment Riskline will request a new token.

Requesting token

POST https://clienturl.com/oauth2
Body: grant_type=’client_credentials’
Headers: ‘Authorization: Basic’: base64encodedstring

The base64encoded string represents the following:


The two values for clientid and clientsecret are provided by the client.

Response Code: 200

Body: access_token=tokengoeshere experies_in=3600

This header will be sent as follows on all requests:

‘Authorization: Bearer’: ‘tokengoeshere’