How often are reports updated?
Riskline updates reports based on the latest developments and reviews all reports on an annual basis.
🌐 Country and City reports
Analysts update Country and City Reports based on major developments. This means that things like national elections or major terrorist attacks will be captured in the reports - and the overall risk re-assessed - shortly after the fact. Because these reports are assessments of long-term hazards and threats, not every incident will necessitate an update
When there have been no recent developments, Country and City Reports are reviewed and reissued annually.
📄 Advisories
Advisories are updated frequently - sometimes several times each day - in the immediate aftermath of major events like a hurricane or terrorist attack. All advisories are updated as the situation they describe changes.
For situations that remain relatively static, Advisories are reviewed and reissued annually.
We publish Alerts for breaking incidents or developing situations and publish new Alerts, following a parent-child structure, for any updates as they happen.
🛂 Visa requirements
We monitor official government travel sites and news for changes to visa requirements. When a change is identified, we will update our visa rules. In addition to that, each rule will be reviewed and confirmed on a bi-annual basis.
Updated over 1 year ago