Covid-19 API Guide

A detailed descriptions of all the fields contained in the Covid-19 API


idString, two-letter, capitalisedISO 3166 country code
nameStringCountry name
codeString, two-letter, capitalisedISO 3166 country code
risk_levelStringLow Moderate Medium High Extreme; Country/territory overall Risk Level
covid_risk_levelStringLow Moderate Medium High Extreme; Country/territory Covid-19 Risk Level. See 'Covid-19 Methodology' for further details


rateNumberCovid-19 infection rate; see 'Covid-19 Methodology' for further details
levelStringLow, Moderate, Medium, High, Extreme
as_of_dateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of the covid-19 infection data


activeIntegerActive covid-19 cases
deathsIntegerCovid-19 deaths
confirmedIntegerConfirmed covid-19 cases
recoveredIntegerCovid-19 recoveries; note that some countries/territories have stopped reporting recovered covid-19 patients
as_of_dateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of the covid-19 case data
vaccinatedNational/territorial vaccination statistics
percentNumberPercent of population vaccinated with at least one dose
as_of_dateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of one-dose data
percentNumberPercent of population fully vaccinated
as_of_dateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of fully-vaccinated data
domestic_infection_mapString, URLDashboard and/or map that tracks covid-19 infection data domestically
hotspotsStringCovid-19 hotspots, separated by comma. Hotspots are locations that exhibit localised covid-19 situations worse than overall country/territory


summaryStringText explanation of the covid-19 situation in the country/territory


current_statusStringLockdown Stay at home Curfew Closing Opening Open Partial Measures Distancing None; indicates current national-level policy
start_dateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate the current policy began
end_dateString, YYYY-MM-DD or IndefDate the current policy is scheduled to end; Indef indicates there is no scheduled end date at this time
textStringText explanation of the current national/territorial covid-19 policy
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct
source_urlString, URLWebpage for national Covid-19 policy



is_bannedStringYes No Partial
through_dateString, YYYY-MM-DD or IndefDate the current travel ban is scheduled to end; Indef indicates there is no scheduled end date at this time
textStringExplanation of international commercial flight situation
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


entry_banStringYes No Partial
through_dateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate the current entry ban is scheduled to end; Indef indicates there is no scheduled end date at this time
textStringText explanation of entry rules and restrictions
entry_rulesString, URLWebpage for entry rules
exemptionsString, URLWebpage for entry exemptions
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct
banned_countriesArray of strings, two-letter, capitalisedCountries/territories from where travellers are generally banned from entry due to covid-19 rules. If no travellers are banned based on origin, this will be blank. Uses ISO 3166 country codes
land_border_banStringOpen Partially Open Closed
maritime_border_banStringOpen Partially Open Closed


need_testStringYes No Yes, conditional
whenStringBefore travel Upon arrival After arrival; can be any combination of these three
requirementStringMandatory Optional
exemptionsStringCategories of travellers that do not require a pre-travel Covid test result on arrival: Aircrew Air crews Transit Transit less than 24 hours Diplomatic Diplomatic Transport Transport, logistics, hauliers Medical Medical treatment or health reasons Short Short-term trip, as defined by destination Urgent Urgent or compelling reason, as defined by destination Family Family or close relationship Culture Culture Sports Sports Remote Remote work Commute Cross-border commuters Frequent Frequent cross-border travellers Citizen Citizens Resident Residents Military Military personnel Seamen Seamen and other marine workers Deported Deportees and travellers refused entrance at their destination Humanitarian Those in need of international protection on humanitarian grounds Healthcare Medical, medivac and other emergency personnel Disability Those with disability, as defined by destination
test_typeStringThe types of Covid-19 tests accepted; more than one type can be selected.
PCR Polymerase chain reaction Antigen Rapid antigen test NAAT Nucleic Acid Amplification Test LAMP Loop-mediated isothermal amplification TMA Transcription mediated amplification TRC Transcription reverse-transcription concerted reaction SDA Strand displacement amplification NEAR Nicking enzyme amplification reaction mPOCT Molecular point of care test LFT Lateral flow test SmartAMP Smart amplification process NGS Next Generation Sequence CLEIA Quantitative antigen test CRISPR Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats HAD Helicase-dependent amplification Antibody Rapid antibody test
minimum_ageIntegerMinimum age, in years, that is required to take a Covid-19 test. Under this age, no test is required
hoursIntegerThe validity, in hours, for test results required before arrival
beforeStringArrival Departure; Test validity time is measured from arrival at destination or departure from origin. If blank, indicates this is not specified
arrival_test_daysStringIf tests are required after arrival (not upon arrival), indicates on which day(s) a test is required. If a test is required within a window of time, indicates the first day ("test required on days 3-5" would result in 3)
textStringExplanation of testing requirements
rulesString, URLWebpage of testing rules
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


need_documentationsStringYes No
textStringExplanation of required documentation; negative covid-19 test result requirements are handled in 'Testing' section
health_documentString, URLWebpage of health document
travel_documentString, URLWebpage of travel document
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


need_appStringYes No Recommended
textStringExplanation of tracing app rules
ios_urlsArray; URLs for iOS app storesLink to app store page for tracing app; multiple URLs indicates multiple apps
android_urlsArray; URLs for Android app storesLink to app store page for tracing app; multiple URLs indicates multiple apps
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


who_needsStringAll travellers Some travellers None
daysIntegerNumber of days of quarantine required
typeStringSelf Gov Hybrid; indicates self-quarantine at home or other suitable accommodation, at a government facility, or a hybrid system that includes both
textStringExplanation of national/territorial quarantine rules
rulesString, URLWebpage of quarantine rules
mandate_listString, URLWebpage of list of origin locations that require quarantine
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct
required_countriesArray; String, two-letter, capitalisedCountries/territories from where travellers are generally required to quarantine on arrival. If no travellers are required to quarantine, this will be blank. Uses ISO 3166 country codes


requirementStringYes No Yes, conditional Partial Recommended
textStringExplanation of national/territorial mask requirements and recommendations
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


exit_banStringYes Recommended Partial No; 'Yes' indicates all travellers are banned from leaving; 'Recommended' indicates that travellers should not leave, but are mostly free to do so; 'Partial' indicates that some travellers may leave, but others are prevented; 'No' indicates all travellers are free to leave
requirementStringYes No Yes, conditional; indicates whether there are special requirements to fulfill in order to leave the country/territory
textStringExplanation of requirements to exit the country/territory
exit_requirementsString, URLWebpage of exit requirements
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


requirementYes No; indicates whether vaccination is mandatory for entry
policyStringYes No; 'Yes' indicates fully vaccinated travellers are exempt from some requirements or restrictions
exemptionsStringEntry Ban Testing Documents App Quarantine Masks Exit Domestic Restrictions; indicates what exemptions fully vaccinated travellers qualify for. Details on the exemptions are found in the 'text' section.
textStringText explanation of the policies and exemptions for vaccinated travellers
source_urlString, URLWebpage of vaccination regulations
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct
qualified_vaccinesStringVaccine types recognised by the country/territory. Each entry contains the vaccine's short name and the number of days after the first/second dose for full vaccination, i.e. AstraZeneca 14 days after second dose
accepted_certificatesStringList of accepted certificates. Not Specified Paper Certificate and/or the name of the app


textStringExplanation of any other restrictions on international travel not covered in other sections
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct



textStringExplanation of areas on lockdown; null indicates no areas on lockdown
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


textStringExplanation of areas under curfew; null indicates that no areas are under curfew
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


textStringExplanation of domestic travel restrictions
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


textStringExplanation of any other domestic restrictions related to covid not covered in other sections
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


additional_sectionsArrayOne or more additional sections of covid-19 related security and safety issues.
titleStringTitle of the covid-related security or safety issue
textStringExplanation of the covid-related security or safety issue
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


government_covid_siteString, URLGovernment covid-19 website
health_dept_covid_siteString, URLGovernment health department covid-19 website
covid_dashboardString, URLDashboard of national/territorial covid-19 data


Region sections contain data only when regional policy and rules differ from the national/territorial level. When they are the same, the regional section is left blank.

idString, format XX-XX or XX-XXXISO 3166-2 region code
nameStringName of region
codeString, format XX-XX or XX-XXXISO 3166-2 region code
covid_risk_levelStringCovid-19 Domestic Travel Rating. Low Moderate Medium High Extreme; see 'Covid-19 Methodology' for further details


rateStringCovid-19 infection rate; see 'Covid-19 Methodology' for further details
levelStringLow, Moderate, Medium, High, Extreme
as_of_dateStringDate of the covid-19 infection data


summaryStringSummary of the Covid-19 situation in region. Can be blank/null


current_statusStringLockdown Stay at home Curfew Closing Opening Open Partial Measures Distancing None
textStringExplanation of the region's covid-19 policy
end_dateString, YYYY-MM-DD or IndefDate the current policy is scheduled to end; Indef indicates there is no scheduled end date at this time
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


entry_banStringYes No Partial
through_dateString, YYYY-MM-DD or IndefDate the current entry restrictions are scheduled to end; Indef indicates there is no scheduled end date at this time
textStringExplanation of the region's entry restrictions
entry_rulesString, URLWebsite of entry restrictions
exemptionsString, URLWebsite of exemptions to entry restrictions
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


need_testStringYes No Yes, conditional
whenStringBefore travel Upon arrival After arrival; can be any combination of these three
requirementStringMandatory Optional
textStringExplanation of region's testing rules
rulesString, URLWebsite of region's testing rules
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


need_documentationsYes No
textStringExplanation of required documentation; negative covid-19 test result requirements are handled in 'Testing' section
health_documentString, URLWebpage of health document
travel_documentString, URLWebpage of travel document
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


need_appStringYes No Recommended
textStringExplanation of tracing app rules
ios_urlsArray; URLs for iOS app storesLink to app store page for tracing app; multiple URLs indicates multiple apps
android_urlsArray; URLs for Android app storesLink to app store page for tracing app; multiple URLs indicates multiple apps
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


who_needsStringAll travellers Some travellers None
daysIntegerNumber of days of quarantine required for national/territorial rule
typeStringSelf Gov Hybrid; indicates self-quarantine at home or other suitable accommodation, at a government facility, or a hybrid system that includes both
textStringExplanation of national/territorial quarantine rules
rulesString, URLWebpage of quarantine rules
mandate_listString, URLWebpage of list of origin locations that require quarantine
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


requirementStringYes No Yes, conditional Partial Recommended
textStringExplanation of national/territorial mask requirements and recommendations
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


textStringExplanation of areas on lockdown; null indicates no areas on lockdown
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


textStringExplanation of areas under curfew; null indicates that no areas are under curfew
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


is_allowedStringYes No Partial; Indicates whether internal travel within the region is allowed
textStringText explanation about internal travel restrictions within the region
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


textText explanation of any other internal restrictions within the region
last_updateString, YYYY-MM-DDDate of last update or verification that the information in this section is correct


government_covid_siteString, URLRegional government covid-19 website
health_dept_covid_siteString, URLRegional government health department covid-19 website


idString, three letters, capitalisedThree-letter IATA city code
nameStringName of the city
codeString, three letters, capitalisedThree-letter IATA city code
covid_risk_levelStringLow Moderate Medium High Extreme; see 'Methodology' for further details
summaryStringSummary of the covid-19 situation in the city. Blank unless the situation is substantially better or worse than the surrounding region and/or country/territory
latNumber; between '-90' and '90'Latitude of the city
lngNumber; between '-180' and '180'Longitude of the city