
Update - Covid-19 API deprecation

We are going to deprecate the Covid-19 API and shut down the Covid-19 microsite in July 2024. Until then, the API will still be running and we will continue to maintain Covid-19 reports. We strongly encourage our clients to migrate to Travel Search API by the end of Q2 2024 to receive up-to-date entry requirements, visa and health documentation.

Below is the full list of changes:

1 . New versions of affected APIs available from 1 July

2 . Existing versions of APIs will not change

  • Covid Risk Level will be frozen at the level of 1 July
  • Any Covid-related (html) text in the APIs will be frozen as of 1 July, no further changes

3 . Summary API changes

  • covid_risk_level replaced by health_risk_level
  • travel_risk_level added
  • in html text: Covid Summary removed
  • "Local Travel" changed to "Travel"

4 . Country Risk Level API

  • covid_risk_level replaced by health_risk_level
  • travel_risk_level added
  • in html text:
  • Covid Summary removed

5 . PTA (Pre-travel Advisories)

  • Covid Risk Level removed from first page
  • Covid summary and section removed from report

6 . Destination PDF

  • Covid Risk Level removed from first page
  • Covid summary and section removed from report

7 . Riskline Portal

  • Covid section removed from Outbreaks section of Health report

8 . Microsite

  • Removed from Riskline portal