
Changes to Country Report API for Q2 2023

We will be making changes to some content in our Destination (country and territories) reports to streamline the information available. These changes will affect our Country Report API - the structure of the API will not change - the API will continue to have fields for these sections, but simply return a 'null' value. 

  • Destination Hotspots Local Travel section will be removed. 
    This change will be reflected in the Country Report API as follows:
      "chapter_id": 5,
      "title": "Personal Safety",
      "sections": [
          "chapter_id": 5,
          "title": "Destination Hotspots",
          "text": "null"
          "subcategory_id": 12,
          "subcategory": "Destination Hotspots"
  • Law, Corruption and Security Servicesin the Crime section will be removed. Instead, a short text that includes critical information for travellers (e.g. uncommon laws that could land them in trouble, where they are likely to experience corruption, what to expect from local security forces) will be included in the the Personal Safety section. This is in chapter_id: 5, title: Personal Safety. There will not be any structure changes, just new text. 

This change will be reflected in the Country Report API as follows:

          "chapter_id": 3,
          "title": "Law",
          "text": "null"
          "subcategory_id": 6,
          "subcategory": "Law"
          "chapter_id": 3,
          "title": "Corruption",
          "text": "null"
          "subcategory_id": 7,
          "subcategory": "Corruption"
          "chapter_id": 3,
          "title": "Security Services",
          "text": "null"
          "subcategory_id": 8,
          "subcategory": "Security Services"

This will have the following effects on Riskline products:

  • Portals and PDF reports: Hotspots will no longer appear. Law, Corruption and Security Services information will appear under the Safety section.
  • APIs: Existing APIs will continue to have fields for these sections, but return a 'null' value.

These changes will take effect beginning 1 May 2023.